Thursday, 22 September 2011

Goodwood Park Hotel Research

1900 – Tower Block was built to house the Teutonia Club for German residents in Singapore
·        Teutonia Club already existed a long time ago, but they needed a bigger clubhouse because business was so busy with many bookings.
·        It was a venue of high society in the late nineteenth century.
1919 – Auctioned off to Manassah brothers and renamed Club Goodwood Hall. Manages by Ezeikel Manassah
·        Most Germans had to leave Singapore and shipped to Australia and therefore the use of the Teutonia Club could not be practised anymore.
1922 – Club Goodwood Hall was officially opened
1929 – Converted to a hotel called Goodwood Park Hotel
1942-1945 – Hotel ceased operations for a short while because of Japanese Occupation

Ezeikel’s stepson, Vivian Bath took charge of the hotel in 1947 after his stepfather died. Over the next 20 years, he lead the hotel to be one of the finest in Asia. $2.5 million was spent revamping the hotel. The Tower Wing was again extensively renovated in 1978.

22 Scotts Rd, Singapore 228221, Singapore

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