Thursday, 22 September 2011

Ngee Ann City Research

Ngee Ann City is presently known as “Taka” to locals, after its more well-known anchor tenant, Takashimaya. Therefore, some people may have heard of Takashimaya but have no idea what in the world is Ngee Ann City.

Ngee Ann City is built on burial ground, part of a parcel of land which used to be Tai Shan Ting which was managed and owned by the Ngee Ann Kongsi in the 1950s. Ngee Ann Kongsi is an organisation that protects the interests of the Teo Chews in Singapore. Ngee Ann City’s building design is inspired by the Great Wall of China, however there are rumours that Ngee Ann City was built to resemble a tombstone to appease the “spirits of the dead” since it was built on burial ground.

Development of Ngee Ann City
The piece of land Ngee Ann City is built on a pice of land which was much sought-after in the past. It was sought after by Far East Organisation and even Hilton International Hotel. Ngee  Ann City was one of the many projects to revamp orchard road which once used to be a plantation of nutmeg, pepper and fruit orchards from the 1800s. The construction of the complex cost S$520 million and took four years to complete. It was officially opened by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong on 21st September 1993.

Building Design
Ngee Ann City’s building design is inspired by the Great Wall of China, however there are rumours that Ngee Ann City was built to resemble a tombstone to appease the “spirits of the dead” since it was built on burial ground. The two towers of Ngee Ann City were intended to represent Chinese door Gods to

Represent strength, generousity and unity. The building is also now connected to underpasses of other buildings and malls in the area to provide convenience to shoppers.

 Orchard Road Timeline
1830s – Known for its Nutmeg, pepper and fruit plantations.
1840s- Houses started to appear around Orchard Road
End of the 1840s- Graveyards started to appear.
1860s- Many private houses were at Orchard Road.
1900s- Commercial development of Orchard Road started when the first Cold Storage was established there.
1950s- Tangs was opened.
1970s- The first multi-story mall was opened following more and more development projects.
2005- Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced that there would be even more development at Orchard Road to create more fun in the district and to keep up with the vibrant cities in the region.
2009- Government spent S$40 million to upgrade infrastructure at Orchard Road.


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